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10/24/2018 08:00 AM

Part of the Renaissance

Our beautiful state of Connecticut has gone from one of the richest states in the Union to we believe one of the poorest, losing businesses and population as people are leaving to find better job opportunities and less-costly places to live. The Democratic party has enjoyed almost total control of this fiasco for many years with control of the legislative branch of our government as well as the governorship. With the Republican party finally reemerging the past two years, a bipartisan budget was passed last year led by the Republicans. We must keep their momentum going to bring jobs back to the state and cut the cost of living in Connecticut to reverse the outflow of citizens from our state.

State Senate candidate Adam Greenberg is a key part of the required Renaissance for our state. He is a well-rounded, energetic, and bright candidate whose life experience will make him an excellent state senator, one who will help bring our state back to fiscal responsibility. He will help lead the way to bring jobs back to our state. The people will follow the jobs. We encourage your readers to vote for Adam so we can get our beautiful State back .

Laurie and Stan Pinover
