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10/24/2018 08:00 AM

In Touch with the People

State Representative Bob Siegrist (R-36) stands apart from the virtue signaling and political mindset of those in Hartford. Unlike many of the politicians and bureaucrats, Bob is in touch with the people of his district. Bob has been a lifelong resident of Haddam. He graduated from Haddam-Killingworth High School in 2001, started his family in Haddam and currently works in the district as a landscaper during legislative recesses. Bob works in the community along with thousands of hardworking, taxpaying residents. Therefore, he is in a unique position to understand the perils and obstacles our community faces.

Bob is concerned and opposes costly tolls on the roads you and he use to get to work every day. According to one proposed set of toll rates, a 36-mile trip similar to that from Essex to Hartford could cost more than $750 per year for 48 weeks of commuting. Therefore, Bob has stood strong with State Representative Melissa Ziobron (R-34), State Senator Art Linares, Jr. (R-33), and other Republicans in the House and Senate against tolls in our great state.

Furthermore, Bob is concerned by and fundamentally disagrees with the stripping of education funds away from our four towns. Therefore, he worked tirelessly to maintain funding for Region 4 and Haddam-Killingworth schools that Governor Dannel Malloy eliminated mid-year.

Bob is a true member of the Chester, Deep River, Essex, and Haddam communities. He understands the issues important to hard-working residents and families of the 36th District, as he faces many of the same challenges. Bob is a lifelong member of this community and truly cares for and understands its residents, and that, among other reasons, is why I support Representative Bob Siegrist for re-election as the 36th District’s state representative.

Sean Patterson
