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10/24/2018 08:00 AM

A Vital Part of the Solution

I am writing this letter in support of Adam Greenberg’s campaign for state senator of the 12th District.

Adam truly cares about the entire state and recognizes that there will be hard choices to make as the next governor works to solve the institutional problems that plague Connecticut. Adam will be a vital part of that solution, and will work on a bipartisan basis to that end.

Adam understands that we need to bring in more jobs, more companies, and more taxpayers. We need more people paying fewer taxes, rather than the present situation of fewer people paying more taxes.

Adam is against tolls and he will fight them, as he will any attempt any new taxation. It’s been proven that lowering taxes can increase revenues.

I hope your readers will join me in voting for Adam Greenberg for state senator, so that he can go to Hartford and help turn Connecticut around.

First Selectman Tom Banisch (R)
