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10/24/2018 08:00 AM

A Different Lens

I have lived in the 101st Assembly District for the vast majority of my 30 years in life. During this time I have watched bridges take too long to complete, our state’s debt explode, and Hartford try to tax its way out of every problem. Hartford is broken, and it is time to look forward through a different lens.

Our state needs new ideas and new energy. As a 30 year-old, I wish to be represented by someone who understands the challenges I face trying to build a life in this district and who shares my background. I have known John-Michael Parker for more than half my life; we graduated from Daniel Hand High School together, and I watched him graduate from Yale then help start and run an educational non-profit that raises $15 million per year to help 25,000 students.

Our biggest challenge is the economy, where we can neither tax nor cut our way to a solution. We need growth and investment, and specifically investment in education. These are two areas in which John-Michael is uniquely qualified to change our approach and deliver a better outcome.

Our state as a whole continues to send the same people to the capitol thinking they will suddenly provide a better result. While I am thankful for their public service, now more than ever Connecticut needs a new, forward-thinking vigor. To see the change, we need to be the change.

I am proud to endorse John-Michael Parker for state representative, and I hope your readers will join me at the polls Nov. 6.

Jonathan Rosenberg
