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10/17/2018 08:00 AM

Doing What’s Best

With election time upon us, there are many candidates at all levels seeking election. Unfortunately not all candidates are equally honest and truly caring.

This letter is intended to spread the word about Dave Yaccarino’s abilities and competence to continue to serve our wonderful town. Dave is running for his fifth term as North Haven’s state representative. He impressed me when I first met him several years ago at one of the weekly Concerts on the Green, where many of us in town gather for good music and company. Dave was out there that beautiful Tuesday night, mingling with the public, greeting and talking to the residents of our town.

One of the things I respect most about Dave is his willingness to always listen to people. He’s truly interested in their problems and concerns. Dave Yaccarino is a true North Havener. He grew up here, raised his children here, and has been a local businessman for nearly three decades. Dave makes everyone feel welcome to stop by his shop at any time to talk, and reaches out to the community through his monthly meet-and-greet sessions at McDonald’s on Washington Avenue.

When I recently fell on difficult times, Dave jumped right in to help with a challenging situation I wasn’t able to handle on my own given my health issues. He immediately took on the task of connecting me with the appropriate personnel at the Department of Labor in Hartford and helped guide me through the process.

I also have personal knowledge of Dave’s commendable work with other citizens. Dave Yaccarino’s honest approach to doing what’s best for North Haven and its citizens is truly commendable, and is only a portion of what sets him apart from other candidates, making him the best choice on election day to represent us.

Cindy Snow

North Haven