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10/10/2018 08:00 AM

More Pressing Issues

Knocking on doors for Christine Palm, Democratic candidate for state representative of the 36th District (Chester, Deep River, Essex, and Haddam) gives me the opportunity to listen to voters talk about issues that concern them. Yes, taxes and state finances come up, but the conversation quickly morphs into more personal and pressing issues.

One common theme haunting me is the burden that illness places on our community. To cite just one example that I keep hearing is from women who find themselves with no option but to give up their plans and hopes to care for an incapacitated family member. Think of the economic effects of lost income and mounting debt. Just the healthcare component of this calamitous situation—affordability and access—is a growing problem caused by a Republican minority exerting its agenda and ideology over the majority. Poll after poll show growing public desire for universal access to affordable healthcare.

Our state legislature can shield us from much of the dismantling of the Affordable Care Act, but this protection is only as strong as the people representing us, which is why I am writing to encourage everyone eligible to register and vote for Christine Palm on Nov. 6. I strongly endorse Christine because she has the maturity, life experience, and skill set to best represent our district. She has personally dealt with these nagging issues that unfairly affect women in our community giving her the capacity to empathize and work knowledgeably in finding solutions. Her years as a policy analyst on issues of women, children, and seniors for the General Assembly is just one example of why she’s the best candidate to serve. I encourage your readers to check out her website and make up their own minds, then add their voices to the majority and vote!

Al Saubermann

Deep River