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09/12/2018 08:00 AM

A Record of Leadership

Over the past four years, Devin Carney has shown his ability to lead in the State of Connecticut. In only his second term, he was appointed ranking member of the Transportation Committee, one of the largest legislative committees at the Capitol. On this committee, he has worked tirelessly to improve road safety, hold the Department of Transportation and Department of Motor Vehicles accountable, and to stop a federal rail plan that would have devastated our region.

This past session he worked across the aisle to ensure funding for our local public transportation, on which many seniors and those with special needs rely. He has also been a staunch advocate for protecting transportation dollars from being transferred into the general fund because he believes one of our greatest needs is infrastructure improvement. Devin understands how important transportation is to the district and will continue to be a leader in this area.

In these difficult times, we need a state representative with a record of leadership, a record of bipartisanship, and a record of working to do what’s right. The state legislature could use more people like Devin. He’s got my vote on Tuesday, Nov. 6, and I hope he can count on your readers’ votes, too.

Marc Delmonico

Old Saybrook