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08/15/2018 08:00 AM

Our Deepest Gratitude

We wish to extend our deepest gratitude to the entire Goodwin School community. Our daughter just finished her fourth year at Goodwin, and will be moving onto 4th grade at the Old Saybrook Middle School (OSMS).

Our thanks go out to her classroom teachers: Jennifer Brodeur, Kate Durie, Heather Gage, and Caren Goodhue. Their commitment to the academic, social, and emotional development of our daughter was tremendous. A big thank you as well goes to Principal Heston Sutman for his guidance and leadership.

“It takes a village” is very applicable to our daughter’s success at Goodwin. We would like to thank all of the support staff at Goodwin, the administrators, counselors, school nurse, special teachers, school resource officers, paraprofessionals, custodians, and parents. Every person who stepped through the doors at Goodwin played a role in the success of the students in the building. For that, we thank them all.

It will be a difficult transition for us to have our daughter move into a middle school environment at such a young age. However, we find some comfort in knowing that the foundations for success that every member of the Goodwin School community helped our daughter to build will encourage her success at OSMS and beyond.

Mary and Jack Cardello

Old Saybrook