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07/25/2018 08:00 AM

A Simple Measure

On June 6, the Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) voted 5-2 to approve U-Haul’s special permit to build its storage facility on Route 1. I believe this was done in error, ignoring the law.

Zoning limits the height of this building to 40 feet above average natural grade at its perimeter. This is the grade as it exists before any site work is done.

U-Haul’s site had asphalt millings dumped on it in April 2013 according to the contractor, American Industries. (GIS aerial photos show no millings in early 2013.) Test borings taken recently on part of the site show the depth of these at between 20- and 44 inches.

U-Haul’s plan is measuring grade from those millings, not from the natural grade. This is a violation of zoning rules, plain and simple.

PZC has chosen to ignore this fact in its approval. As we have been reminded lately, we are a nation of laws. They must be followed.

It is a simple measure to continue test borings around the perimeter of U-Haul’s proposed building to determine natural grade. This should have been required at the outset; it must be done now, and the proposed building plans revised accordingly.

Louis Mackall
