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05/16/2018 08:00 AM

Why No Comments?

For months now we have read articles and watched T.V. news stories telling of the push to expand Tweed New Haven Airport’s main runway to allow for larger planes. The push is to repeal that section of the state statutes that prohibits lengthening and includes restrictions to flights. These restrictions can be found in Chapter 267a, Section 15-120jc of the General Statutes. This push is coming from Tweed, New Haven Mayor Harp, and the Board of Alders along with some state elected people who are supposed to represent the people in their districts.

In 2009, the mayors of New Haven and East Haven, the Tweed Authority, and a handful of elected officials signed a memorandum of agreement (MOA) that led to the change to state statutes limiting Tweed’s runway to existing length. This MOA was just a smoke screen to appease the residents around the airport, for Tweed would just ride out time.

On May 7, the New Haven alders voted 23-7 in favor of repeal. Harp wrote letters to Tweed expressing her support for repeal. State Representative Roland Lamar (D-96), whose district includes the northern section of East Haven, also wants a repeal.

My question and concern is, where is Mayor Joseph Maturo on all this? Why no comments from the East Haven Town Council or from the members of the 4th District?

East Haven has five appointed members on the airport authority, one being Mayor Maturo’s wife, Karen O’Connell. How did they vote? To me, silence means approval.

Richard Poulton

East Haven