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05/16/2018 08:00 AM

Taxpayers Need Relief

The voters of Clinton have just rejected another budget at referendum. Critics will undoubtedly point out the irony: The town will spend more money sending the budgets back to referendum again. There is, however, a remedy. The Board of Finance and Board of Selectmen can put forth budgets that reflect no increase from last year. Both would certainly pass!

My husband and I attended the April 11 budget meeting at Town Hall. We listened to myriad opinions both for and against. While I don’t doubt for a minute that those residents on fixed incomes are struggling, working families are struggling, too.

I vividly recall a speaker from that evening labeling the children of Clinton victims in the budget process. I however, view the children of this town as lucky. They get to attend a new, state-of-the-art high school, participate in town programs, and are taught by dedicated teachers who are among the highest paid in the state. The children in this town were educated last year at a lower budget level as well as the year before. I am confident that they would still receive a fine education even at last year’s budget level.

It appears to me that the biggest obstacle in this process is the lack of planning for contractual obligations and debt. There is no thoughtful plan to the “what-if” scenario due to state funding cuts. The budget seems to be viewed as an unlimited entitlement. It’s a referendum game until voters are simply worn out. The budget finally passes with minimal token reductions. Proponents of continual year after year unreasonable increases always invoke the same hyperbole: “Our children will suffer.”

The reality is Clinton taxpayers need relief. We are not an unlimited pool of resources. Our children will be fine.

Lisa R. King
