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05/09/2018 08:00 AM

Important to Know the Values

We have come to a time in our country where it is important to know the values being honored by the towns we live in. For us in Guilford, it is on the green where we bear witness to the values of welcoming and inclusion of all people. This can be seen by the outpouring of diverse community groups at the Guilford Fair Parade, the International Day of Peace recognizing people of different nationalities and faiths, the Witness Stones Project of the Adams Middle School honoring the enslaved people in Guilford who contributed to the early development of our town, the March for Our Lives program and parade for gun safety, the Palm Sunday service with a number of churches participating, and the youth Sleep-Out for the Homeless night on the green.

We are a town of mixed nationalities, religions, races, sexual orientation, economic status, health circumstances, and abilities. Now is the time for our town to publicly confirm that Guilford is a community that welcomes all people, and ensures the safety and respect of our neighbors. This can be made possible by the Board of Selectmen approving the formation of a human rights commission.

Gini King
