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05/02/2018 08:00 AM

Way Past the Time

Clinton is once again facing the serious threat of its proposed budgets being defeated at referendum by less than 20 percent of the registered voters in town. This is heresy. It is way past the time for the town’s charter to be revised to address this glaring inequality. The finance board approved budget should be the accepted budget of the town unless a compromised minimum percentage of voters rejects the proposed spending plan. For example, if there are 9,000 registered voters and the charter requires a minimum of one third of the voter participation and 2,998 voters go to the polls, then the budgets would be accepted, whatever the vote tally.

I hope the Charter Commission considers serious study to some similar proposal because the town’s financial future is at stake. This format has been adopted by many communities in New York. It is shameful that our community haggles over two- to five percent of the overall budget. At some point the silent majority in Clinton must recognize the importance of investing in the town and school district because the Clinton Taxpayers Association “No” vote is holding us back.

Mike Valenti
