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05/02/2018 08:00 AM

The Opportunity to Lead

In some recent years we have had to vote more than once to get Clinton school and town budgets approved. Let’s not let that happen in 2018. The budgets will pass, so let’s just vote one time and then move forward.

We have a new Board of Selectmen and new volunteers on boards and committees. We have students throughout the school system who are eager to learn and to be prepared for leadership roles in our community, state, nation, and the world. Our neighbors who have drafted the budgets on which we are about to vote have listened carefully to the needs and concerns of our community. They have worked hard to meet financial needs at the lowest reasonable costs.

Of course, no budget can satisfy everyone in all respects; such perfection is impossible. In drafting the budgets, our neighbors have made cost reductions thoughtfully with the needs of all of us in mind. Remember, all those on committees and boards who worked on the budgets pay taxes in Clinton! Costs are rising across society, and we all know that. As members of this community, each of us needs to take responsibility for keeping our community sound and growing. Let’s not be “penny wise and pound foolish” as we consider the needs of this community—that is, our needs. Give our leaders the opportunity to lead with the resources that will allow them to produce the results we all want.

Remember: Each additional referendum costs us real dollars, not to mention time and aggravation. Let’s do it right this year. I encourage your readers to vote “Yes” for the school and town budgets on Wednesday, May 9, and then get on with life in Clinton.

Constance Coles
