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05/02/2018 08:00 AM

Lackluster Approach to Safety

I have read Vincent Arpino’s April 5 letter “Withholding Served No One.” The letter referred to a safety matter regarding an unlocked gate located between the high school property and Sperry lane. The letter also said that Mayor Joseph Maturo. Jr., was notified about it and apparently as of the date of the board meeting had done nothing to correct it.

I too have the same question as Mr. Arpino, but mine is directed to Mayor Maturo: Why would he want to wait to inform school officials or the police? Further, he could have easily sent one of his handpicked Public Works Department supervisors to correct the situation in 10 minutes. Luckily, there was no fallout from his inaction.

This is yet another example of Maturo’s lackluster approach to the safety of our residents and in this case our children. Look at the bleacher situation at the middle school. It took a child to get hurt, a lawsuit, and political exposure to finally address that hazard. Look at the snow storms. Work crews are repeatedly dispatched late and with minimal trucks to minimize the workers’ overtime as we slide all over town.

Maturo needs to stop gambling with the safety of the East Haven people for his own personal political bragging rights of the savings. On the right track, or safety versus savings?

Marc Conte, Sr.

East Haven