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04/25/2018 08:00 AM

Unite our Ideals

Many of us here in East Haven and certainly in the country have become disillusioned with the political parties with which we’ve identified ourselves, for in each instance where standing up would really matter, the leadership and the party as a whole, seem to march in lock-step with those who have propagated the views that run counter to the ideals and principles we’ve cherished.

If the representatives we’ve elected repeatedly ignore the principles we generally embrace, what does that say of them, and us, and more specifically perhaps, the corrupted culture in the politics of our government, indeed of our future and that of our children?

Many reading this have probably chosen to just pay their taxes and just “sit on the bench, cynically thinking, “What is the use? It wouldn’t matter anyway,” and to a degree, that is understandable. But waiting for fate to make the changes that may or may not happen is nonsensical and moreover, time waits for no one.

The Independent Party of East Haven legally exists, but at the present is dormant and is the reason for this letter. Many thanks go to those who pioneered its formation, for they afforded us the opportunity to use it for the greater good of East Haven, our community.

Its revival would enable us to unite our ideals and transform it into a momentum that would help build the foundation for the essential changes we aspire and seek for our town and our state. I encourage your readers to email me at and let’s get it started.

Oni Sioson

East Haven