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03/21/2018 08:00 AM

Employees Deserve Much Better

There was a recent article in the East Haven Courier regarding Mayor Maturo’s misadventures with his town vehicle [March 1, “Mayor’s New Car Raises Questions”]. The article read “According to Maturo, the Crown Victoria, which was a retired police vehicle, was ‘beat up’ and did not represent the community well. Maturo said that vehicle will be repaired and be put back into the town’s fleet of vehicles for use by town employees.”

Is he for real? It seems to me the “beat up” vehicle would be even worse after his accident with possible additional damage to the frame. Spending good money on a bad vehicle is ludicrous and does nothing more than put lipstick on a pig. What is even more ludicrous is Maturo’s total disregard for the safety and image of his town employees.

While it is common knowledge Maturo dislikes certain employees, shouldn’t they represent the community well by what they drive? And shouldn’t what they drive be sound? Once again, Maturo’s self-absorption shines through based on his auto response. The town employees deserve much better.

Marc Conte, Sr.

East Haven