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02/28/2018 07:00 AM

A Bipartisan Issue

I am writing in support of a movement in town to pass an ordinance to ban fracking waste, the toxic and radioactive solid and liquid waste created by fracking for gas and oil, in the Town of Guilford. Billions of gallons of liquid waste and hundreds of thousands of tons of solid wastes are created annually by this fracking process, much of it in the state of Pennsylvania. Most of this waste is unregulated and the industry needs to find places to dump it. One of the primary uses of the solid waste is in roadbeds.

The Connecticut General Assembly has failed three times to ban all of these wastes. A temporary moratorium only bans some wastes, leaving loopholes for some wastes to enter the state. Therefore, many towns are passing ordinances to ban this waste. At this writing, more than 34 towns in Connecticut have passed such ordinances.

I encourage your readers to let the selectmen know through calls, letters, or emails that they support this measure. Protecting our water, our land, and our air is a bipartisan issue. Let them know we care.

Val Chamberlain
