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12/06/2017 07:00 AM

A Disastrous Decision

I’d like to express my deepest gratitude to the many Our Lady of Pompeii and St. Vincent’s DePaul’s parishioners and the East Haven residents who showed their many talents and treasures through the last 15-plus years helping me with my ministry, Catholic Charities, and the many different collections that we’ve held (food, coat, clothes, blankets, professional wear, white sock, diaper, Advent Giving Trees, backpacks, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, etc.) by working behind the scenes, wrapping gifts, delivering and sorting, etc. Every time Catholic Charities was in need, these people answered the requests. We have helped hundreds if not thousands of neighbors, friends, and others.

There are so many organizations in East Haven that help East Haven residents: the food pantry, the Rotary Club, the Lion’s Club, etc. We not only help the people in our parish or town, but also the surrounding areas. Catholic Charities is still in need of all the above and more.

Unfortunately, Father Jeremiah Murasso, pastor of the combined churches (St. Clare, St. Vincent DePaul, and Our Lady of Pompeii combined to make St. Pio of Pietrelcina Parish) made the decision to discontinue the aid and Archdiocese of Hartford agrees with him because he’s the pastor. More than 30 families went without food and turkeys because we were unable to help.

If anyone has any ideas how we can keep this ministry going or has items they’d like to donate to Catholic Charities, I encourage them to get in touch with me and I’ll see that it gets to Catholic Charities.

My 12 years of Catholic school and my many years of faith have been shaken by one man who could make such a disastrous decision that affects so many. Unfortunately, he’s not bringing parishes together, he’s separating church families and people from the Catholic faith.

Mary Anania

East Haven