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11/29/2017 07:00 AM

A Change in Course

Clinton took extraordinary steps forward in this election cycle. It began two years ago with the purge of the Democratic Town Committee. That was validated by the unprecedented September primary, which decisively repudiated all but one of the incumbents in both parties.

The recent growing appetite for Republican candidates in Clinton stalled in response to the astonishing 10.2 percent tax increase and the CVS zoning settlement, while Republicans dominated the Board of Selectmen (BOS) and the Planning & Zoning Commission.

The Republican primary was a clear prologue to what would have resulted from endorsed incumbent Republican BOS candidacies in November, but the Republican Town Committee failed to get the message from Republican voters and to unite behind the Republican primary winners. This not only cost Republicans many votes, but also undermined Clinton’s Republican favorite son, the candidate for judge of probate Anselmo Delia.

Democrat Christine Goupil’s election was decisive, with the second-largest number of votes cast (2,079) and third-largest share of votes cast (54 percent) for Clinton first selectman in the previous 10 years. She has earned bi-partisan support as Clinton’s first selectman. May the next two years see the change in course Clinton needs and expects.

Many thanks to the 1,558 voters who placed their confidence in me, to the many who contributed to the “Better Choices” candidates, giving of their time, opening their wallets, their homes, and their hearts to our message and to those whose endorsements appeared here.

Kirk Carr


Kirk Carr was the Republican candidate for first selectman.