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11/22/2017 07:00 AM

Need More Information

We hope the town’s plan for Nut Plains Road/State Street project is carefully considered.

Those of us who will be affected by the path would like to know how it will change the lay of the land in this beautiful, historic community. We have very little information about the construction of the path and how it will be completed without damage to trees, wetlands, and ponds. Homeowners whose homes are already close to the road will lose their yards and their privacy.

We need more information—$1.4 million is a lot to spend on a project that is not supported by the community. Going ahead with the project without consensus might even divide the town. Let’s not let that happen.

We all go our own way, sometimes forgetting others do not agree with us. Sometimes, we go after the shiny object and embrace it without turning it over to look at what’s underneath. Let’s look underneath first .

Eileen and John Wygmans
