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11/01/2017 08:00 AM

The Right Direction

The municipal election season is concluding soon. Candidates for first selectmen have been out in full force. The debate sponsored by The Morgan Political Club was a great success. It was well run and very enlightening. Personally, I was disappointed that Bruce Farmer wasn’t allowed to take part, but the Political Club has rules and as a write-in candidate, Bruce was not allowed to participate in the actual debate.

Since the names lower on the ballot don’t get much publicity, I’d like to introduce the very qualified and responsible people who are also running and would like your readers’ votes on Nov. 7.

For Planning & Zoning Commission, returning members Drew Richards and Adam Moore are up for re-election and retired engineer Michael Hughes will bring his experience, intelligence, and energy to the board.

For Police Commission, Kim Neri-Simoncini, a very experienced and knowledgeable voice on the commission, as well as retired Police Detective Dom Morelli are on the ballot. Dom brings 34 years of police experience to this position. He was a Waterbury Police detective for many years and can bring that expertise to the commission. He is a natural for this position.

For the Board of Finance, lifetime town resident and business owner Gary Bousquet and returning candidate Tom Hollinger are up for seats. Gary has a proven track record of integrity, responsibility, and dedication to Clinton. He will be a terrific addition to this board. Since you can’t keep a good man down, Tom Hollinger is willing to pick up where he left off and rejoin the board after a brief hiatus.

I encourage your readers to vote for each of these outstanding individuals and for me, Carol Walter, to keep Clinton moving in the right direction.

Selectman Carol Walter


Republican Carol Walter is seeking re-election in November.