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11/01/2017 08:00 AM

New Leadership and Talent

Reviewing the General Election ballot, I believe the Board of Selectman (BOS) is the most powerful group in Clinton. The importance of this group is not to be taken lightly. They set the tone for all the activities within Town Hall, schools, and Public Works. I will be voting for the Democrats running for the BOS, Christine Goupil (for first selectman), Jack Scherban, and Tim Guerra.

As a member of the Conservation Commission, I have been concerned about the town’s reluctance to endorse an open space policy. This new team on the BOS might be more agreeable to public discussions on the concept. Open space means town zoning simply assures some of the landscape remains open when development occurs.

Next year marks my 40th year as a resident of Clinton, the town my late wife Beth and I moved to in 1978. We both believed that living here meant serving here.

In 1999, upon my retirement, I took an active role in town affairs and joined the Wetlands Committee. After Beth passed away in 2012, I became a member of the Clinton Conservation Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, and earlier, the GIS Commission.

My name is actually on the November ballot, as I seek another term on the Zoning Board of Appeals. I encourage your readers to vote for me, as I plan to stay involved as long as possible and will continue to get more people involved. I also encourage voters to join me Nov. 7 in electing the top of the Democratic ticket and the rest of the Democratic slate, to sweep new leadership and talent into Clinton Town Hall.

Bertram Schmitz


Democrat Bertram Schmitz is seeking re-election to the Zoning Board of Appeals.