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10/25/2017 08:00 AM

The Courage to Speak Up

On Nov. 7, your readers have an opportunity to elect Jonathan Trotta to the Board of Finance (BOF). Jon is the one who can always be relied upon to remember who is picking up the tab.

There are always more things to spend our tax dollars on, but many homeowners are already tapped out. We need a representative on the BOF who has the clarity of vision to know where we must spend, and conversely what would just be nice to have. That person also needs the courage to speak up and sometimes stand alone.

Spending in Guilford has risen by around 70 percent in only 13 years; just think where we will be in another 10 if spending follows the same trajectory.

Many of your readers will be aware how the state’s troubles are likely to affect our budget—even more reason for responsible fiscal oversight.

We might expect the BOF to be looking to the interests of all residents and be ever mindful to avoid wasting their money, but year upon year it happily approves the annual spending increase.

Jon is the person who will work to ensure our great schools and town services are provided in the most cost-effective way. He will examine all spending proposals and be ever vigilant for waste. This may not always be the most comfortable position to take, but his concern will be for our town and all its residents.

We need a new approach to our town’s finances before it’s too late. We need someone with the determination and courage to stand firm against just doing it the same old way.

That person is Jonathan Trotta, I hope your readers will support him on Nov. 7.

Colleen Otis
