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10/25/2017 08:00 AM

One of Us

The Town of Killingworth has a greatness all her own, but teamed up with Cathy Iino as our first selectman, we residents are doubly lucky.

I grew up in the ’70s and ’80s in Chester, down the street from my grandparents and immediately to the west of Killingworth. Back then, I heard my family talk about Killingworth: “They keep it simple,” “They don’t have as many outsiders trying to change who they are,” “They invest smartly.” Many years later, my husband and I moved here to raise our family.

Cathy was friendly to us, the way she is with everyone. I learned she is dedicated to fiscal responsibility, integrity, and working together. I learned she works hard and is respectful. She is kind. I learned she is one of us.

Several years ago, she asked if I would serve on the Building Committee and I accepted. Cathy’s objective was to realize a $500,000 STEAP grant promised to Killingworth if spent on building a new Emergency Operations Center to replace an old one that lacked necessary functions.

Cathy skillfully gathered committee members, including experts and representatives of an opposing political group so both sides could come together to make something good happen. With her excellent leadership, we managed to cost-effectively build the center to support our town’s resilience for residents and future generations.

But let’s not rock the boat. She has proven her mettle. There are stormy seas out yonder, but here at home, we stand on firm ground. I encourage your readers to join me in voting for Cathy Iino during this next election on Nov. 7.

Kate Novick
