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10/25/2017 08:00 AM

Honestly, Integrity, and Conviction

The Town of Clinton is privileged that Ed Tessman is eager to continue to devote himself to the town of Clinton and is running for re-election as police commissioner.

Ed holds a master degree in criminal justice. As the CEO of a Connecticut non-profit, Ed understands what it takes to be fiscally responsible without sacrificing quality services. The Board of Police Commissioners requires exactly this skill set to remain effective, helping to keep our streets safe while keeping our town budget in check. Ed was integral in the police chief recruitment process, resulting in the addition of Vincent DeMaio, a big win for the Town of Clinton.

I have had the pleasure of knowing Ed Tessman over the past eight years, since my son joined Cub and then Boy Scouts, Clinton Troop 7. Ed has exhibited his passion for bettering the good of the community during that time filling many roles in the scouting community, including several terms as cub and scout master. Ed has eagerly given hundreds of hours to the boys as he helps them prepare to become the type of men that our community needs and deserves.

It is with this passion and selflessness that Ed has devoted himself to our town, serving as police commissioner for the last four years.

A police commissioner is held to a higher standard and is looked upon as an impartial person with a great deal of integrity. In all my many experiences with Ed, he has exhibited the utmost honestly, integrity, and conviction. Ed is a man whom we can trust to do what is right and what is in the best interest of the town of Clinton. I encourage your readers to join me in supporting Ed Tessman for a second term as police commissioner on Nov. 7.

Kevin Colebank
