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10/18/2017 08:00 AM

Things Are Not Okay

Clinton is a great town currently facing some great issues; stagnant economic development, a declining population, maintaining quality education without tax increases, long-term waste water treatment, historic preservation of our town’s assets, and ensuring our long-term fiscal well-being.

These are not the fault of any one person, board, or political party, but rather the result of years of neglect. They won’t be “fixed” easily or quickly, but the first step is admitting that problems exist. Things are not okay in Clinton. Our new Board of Selectmen must at least be willing to acknowledge we have many problems.

Kirk Carr, Phil Sengle, and Carol Walter are exactly the kind of leaders this town needs to begin the road to successfully turning things around. Kirk’s work ethic and solid preparation in advocating positions is obvious. His recommendations are always fact-based, benefit-focused, and supportable. Carol’s strength and her unselfish focus on the board is readily evident as the often lone voice arguing for tighter fiscal oversight in demanding more information before approving expenditures. Phil has shown his backbone during his tenure on the Police Commission.

Clinton desperately needs a Board of Selectmen willing to bring attention to things that are sometimes unpopular and to espouse solutions not universally welcome or that even rankle some folks. We need a board with commitment and, when necessary, fearlessness. We shouldn’t elect a board because we just like them, but rather one who that advocate the right thing for all Clintonians.

I’ve worked alongside Kirk, Carol, and Phil of them on a range of boards and committees; once a strategy is set, they move to a course of action and then fully participate to make things happen. We’re blessed with lot of thinkers in town; Kirk, Carol, and Phil are doers as well. Clinton needs doers.

John Allen
