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10/18/2017 08:00 AM

The Stakes Are High

In less than a month, voters in Clinton have a chance to direct the future of our town for the better. For me, this opportunity means I am voting for the professional, highly experienced slate of Democrats whose names appear on Row A on the ballot.

Why? Because the stakes are high. Raising taxes can no longer be town government’s solution to budgetary problems. Disregard of the budgetary process is over, and ill-mannered treatment of citizens will not be tolerated.

Without hesitation, I am casting my vote for Christine Goupil, Tim Guerra, and Jack Scherban for Board of Selectman. What a great team. In fact, I was so inspired by their candidacy, I decided to run for the alternate seat on the Planning & Zoning Commission. Turns out, public service and a commitment to Clinton is contagious!

Bethany Knight


Democrat Bethany Knight is seeking a seat on the Planning & Zoning Commission as an alternate.