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10/18/2017 08:00 AM

Fresh, Independent Voices

Don’t sit this one out. Local elections matter! One-party rule is a disaster at the national level, and it’s not healthy at the local level either. Independents, Democrats, and Republicans can make a difference in this local election by voting for Owen Charles and Jude Friedman for the Board of Finance. We need them as a check and balance to ensure against years of uninterrupted one-party rule of the town. For a change to more responsive and open government, I encourage your readers to vote Nov. 7.

Like most voters in Madison, your readers may not plan to vote. They may believe that municipal elections don’t matter and been disappointed that there is no real choice and no contest for first selectman, but consider this: They can change the balance of power by balancing the Board of Finance. Jude Friedman is running as a Democrat, and Owen Charles as a new, third-party Green candidate.

There are important decisions pending for the future for Madison. Adding these fresh, independent voices to the board will help oversee the financial interests of Madison, serve as a check and balance on the first selectman and Board of Selectmen, and ensure adherence to established processes.

Owen and Jude oppose selling Academy School to the highest bidder for luxury condos. They’ll listen carefully to public input and ensure that this important asset is used for public good, such as an arts center or similar public/private partnership. They’ll ensure greater transparency and advocate for a town ethics board. Most important, they’ll actively promote greater public input on critical issues affecting the town and our schools.

Let’s ensure balance and good decision-making by having a balanced and diverse Board of Finance. I encourage your readers to join me Nov. 7 in voting for Owen Charles and Jude Friedman.

Bennett Pudlin
