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10/18/2017 08:00 AM

Common Sense Values

I encourage your readers to join me in supporting Owen Charles, Green Party line candidate, for the Board of Finance on Tuesday, Nov. 7. Owen is the only candidate who has previously served on this board (2007 to 2009) and is determined to ensure that all people are represented in local government. Owen is sincerely committed to national Green Party principles—grassroots democracy, non-violence, ecological wisdom, and social justice—and promises that these will be represented locally with his independent voice.

If your readers, like Owen, care deeply about keeping Madison affordable for seniors and middle- and lower-income families, I encourage them to vote for Owen. If they agree with Owen Charles that Academy School, a public landmark, should be used as the people of Madison would like, which is what truly representative town government should do, I encourage them to vote for Owen. And if they agree that investing in public goods that have a high financial and social return on investment by maintaining a strong school system and increasing investments in sustainable energy and supporting the recommendations of the town energy committee, I encourage them to vote for Owen.

I encourage your readers to support common sense values and make Owen Charles one of their three votes for the Board of Finance. A vote for Owen Charles is a vote for responsive, ethical government, and real change for Madison. For more information on Owen’s campaign, visit

Marsha Silverman Brunelle
