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09/27/2017 08:00 AM

Enough Bad Decisions

Could the people we entrusted to run our town be any more childish? I didn’t think so, but they went out of their way to prove they could. As a final parting shot in retaliation for losing the primary, selectmen Lynn Pinder, Willie Fritz, and John Giannotti voted to place the town charter revision including the town manager position on the Nov. 7 ballot—this after they rejected this very idea just the week before. This was clearly deliberate, calculated sabotage toward any incoming Board of Selectmen (BOS). Childish? Immature? Neither fully describes this move. Add petty and vindictive and you get closer. Pinder, Fritz, and Giannotti should be ashamed of themselves. They don’t deserve to serve this town, and they don’t deserve our respect after this pathetic show of irresponsibility. Whether town counsel John Bennet knowingly allowed this to go through without an effective date should leave us questioning his fitness to represent us, as well.

Clinton residents were callously stripped of their right to choose how this town is governed. This vote should have come in 2018, after several public seminars to help us learn how this new position would affect the way Clinton does business. With that knowledge, we would’ve made an educated decision on how we wanted our town to be run. Instead, these three inflicted their will with no regard for Clinton’s future.

Haven’t we had enough bad decisions and poor judgments by our elected officials recently? It’s beyond time to look at the people responsible for making decisions for this town. It’s time to vote out incompetence and immaturity. It’s just too bad we can’t fire these BOS members along with the entire sitting Planning & Zoning Commission. They should all do the right thing and resign immediately, because we can’t trust them anymore.

Paula Pellerin
