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09/13/2017 08:00 AM

Way Past Time for a Change

I’m writing before primary voting in Clinton on Sept. 12, hence I don’t know the outcome of our campaign. But your readers now know the outcome. I want to thank all who voted for Kirk Carr and me as we challenged the status quo. I can only hope the voters thought about the future and the current conditions in Clinton while casting their votes. It is way past time for a change in the town government’s lethargy, lack of leadership, and practice of petty politics. Post-primary, the die is now cast and, win or lose, we will still work to effect change.

The town has amazing volunteers, who must be better utilized and given more support from Town Hall. There is no better example than the Economic Development Commission, which receives virtually no support and respect from town officials. Another volunteer group that deserves great credit is the Charter Reform Committee, which amazingly obtained more than 1,300 signatures to overturn the selectmen’s attempt to scuttle charter revision to protect their own power and the lucrative first selectman’s seat for themselves. Even now the selectmen seem to be dragging their feet on their legal requirement to place this on the ballot. As I write, it seems they will postpone the referendum until after the November general election, where it will have a tougher time passing. This is how the selectmen thwart the will of the people.

A friend of mine noted that Clinton executes spending plans with ruthless efficiency, but when it comes to growing the Grand List to increase tax revenue, especially from new commercial enterprises, they utterly fail. This forces more and more of the tax burden on homeowners. A journey of 1,000 miles starts with the first step. What are we waiting for?

Phil Sengle


Phil Sengle was running to be named a Republican candidate for Board of Selectmen in the Sept. 12 (after press time) Republican primary.