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08/23/2017 08:00 AM

Can Bring the Change

I am an endorsed candidate for the Clinton Planning & Zoning Commission, one of 19 candidates nominated by the Clinton Democratic Town Committee to serve our town in a volunteer capacity.

Our slate will bring hundreds of years of experience and expertise to our town government: in accounting, information technology, management, banking, law, education, nonprofits, business, science, research, engineering, and more. Beyond our knowledge and work life, we are a group of people bound together by the democratic principle of public service. None of us seek to profit from serving in the town government; we all choose to give back to the community. We care about Clinton, and working together, we plan to lead and serve with efficiency, integrity, ingenuity, and common sense.

I encourage your readers to come vote on Sept. 12 for the Democratic primary and then on Nov. 7 to select a Democratic team. Those who aren’t registered and want to see positive change in Clinton may register now at Clinton Town Hall, so they can vote in the primary and for the municipal election. Those who are registered should encourage others to vote. We can bring the change we all seek and that starts with a vote. T

Amandeep Singh


Democrat Amandeep Singh is seeking re-election to the Planning & Zoning Commission in November.