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08/16/2017 08:00 AM

Continue the Work

My name is Leah Saunders. I’m a Democrat and I’m an incumbent seeking re-election to the Clinton Board of Finance. I am going to need your readers’ support to help me continue the work I’ve been doing for the past four years. During my tenure, I have played a role in supporting sound financial decision-making while also ensuring continuity of services and support for education.

I have been a champion for public safety and emergency services. In fact I played a role in ensuring that members of our fire services who volunteer for many years will receive a LOSAP benefit. This will assist our excellent volunteers with recruitment and thank our neighbors who have given so selflessly to our community. I have also been a voice of reason for ensuring that operating expenses are controlled.

However, there are challenges ahead. Clinton, like so many other communities across the Nutmeg State, is being squeezed by lagging growth in the real estate market and less funding from state government. With more responsibility for municipal funding falling to the residential taxpayer, it’s more important than ever to find creative solutions to commercial and industrial development. The Town of Clinton must invest in infrastructure in order to attract the business and industrial interests necessary to diversify our tax base and relieve so much of the tax burden that disproportionately hinders homeowners.

I want to continue to serve my community as I have for the last four years. I am asking for your readers’ votes on Sept. 12 because I am their voice on the Board of Finance.

Leah M. Saunders


Leah Saunders is running to be named a Democratic candidate for Board of Finance in the Sept. 12 Democratic primary.