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06/07/2017 08:00 AM

'Courier' Mischaracterized Support

I am writing in response to your May 25 article regarding the Essex Boats Works/Carlson’s Landing initiative [“Restaurant Proposal Pills Essex Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting”]. Although informative, the article does not adequately reflect the enormous outpouring of support shown for the project at the May 15 town meeting.

The project is proposed by a long time resident who clearly is devoting a great deal of resources to ensure the project conforms to the town’s requirements and responding to the area’s needed beatification. Also not mentioned is the favorable support from the Essex Board of Trade, The Economic Development Committee, and the Harbor Commission to name a few.

The Connecticut River Museum (the adjacent property), with all of its demands, does not to want to acknowledge that our town sorely needs revitalization and likely long term will have more to gain than to lose with this initiative.

I encourage residents to support this needed endeavor for the long term health of our town.

Laura Walker
