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04/26/2017 08:00 AM

Out of Control

I have lived in this town for more than 50 years and loved it until recently. I work double shifts just to afford the taxes for my tiny home on Maplewood Drive. I always thought I would retire someday and just enjoy gardening and taking walks through my beautiful neighborhood. Alas, this is not to happen.

I am going to be 62 years old and due to the taxes, I am working double shifts when I should be taking care of my health, not my taxes. This town is out of control with expenses. Now they want another 11.4 percent? How are the elderly already retired and on a fixed income supposed to afford this?

I say “No” to this increase and hope all the people who live in this town take the residents into account and how much they can afford before they lose their houses. I am not sure what I can do if these taxes are passed.

It is time for us to stand up and say, “No more!” We pay too much already and don’t get that much back. I was told by one resident that if I can’t afford to live in the town then I should get out, I’m not wanted here. What kind of people have no compassion to say that? So I hope the town considers those of us that already pay too much for what we have and can not afford to pay another 11.4 percent.

Patricia Morrone
