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03/29/2017 08:00 AM

Spring has Sprung

Spring has sprung and annual shoreline community rituals in Westbrook and Clinton have started, including fundraising by children for various activities by washing cars or selling cookies, etc., at the side of Post Road—almost always in a congested area.

I would like to make two suggestions to improve their income and reduce driver’s blood pressure.

Jumping up and down on the curb waving unreadable signs and screaming is self defeating. I cannot read the signs or understand the words. In addition, I have to drive by children crowding the road with a line of impatient cars behind me, none having the time to consider the offer or determine how to turn in safely.

I suggest that several legible and large signs be made and posted in succession along the Post Road, starting at least a quarter mile on either side of the sale point, advising drivers of the product or services being offered. This gives the potential customers time to consider the offer and prepare to turn in at the, hopefully, heavily signed activity. Large cardboard is available from appliance dealers and the transfer stations..

Above all the children should remain on sidewalks and restrain their activities to the manipulating of their signs slowly to be readable—outstanding hats, etc., are recommended.

Jeff Kriete
