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03/01/2017 07:00 AM

Finally Some Concern

Most support a new CVS in Clinton, including me. It’d be great. The opposition is about problems with the location at Hull Street and Route 1 where congestion reigns.

At its February meeting, the Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) voted unanimously to deny the latest CVS application. The meeting was well described in the Feb. 23 issue [“PZC Denies Application for New CVS, Citing Traffic, Design Concerns”]. This decision seems odd given some commission members are known proponents of the CVS at this location. Perhaps they chose not to ignore public opposition to the location and the ugly building design. In the meeting’s discussion, many reasons were cited for denial. Among them were the traffic study was “not credible” and factors having to do with redevelopment of the train station were ignored, with station pedestrians having to dodge traffic on the site, risking injury. This location wouldn’t promote a walkable downtown. Several building design infractions were cited that buttressed the public’s opinion the design was ugly. I’m pleased that finally some concern was shown for the asset that is the train station.

Commissioner Christine Goupil tried to amend the motion to deny. She wisely wanted reasons for the denial to be made part of the motion. Reasons for denial in a motion are common, expected, smart, and even necessary to prevail in court. The PZC attorney agreed it was proper to place such reasons in the denial motion as long as they were in the official record. Her motion was defeated. Then Commissioner Alan Kravitz attempted to bring up other reasons for denial. After a few minutes, another commissioner moved the question, which cut off debate and required an immediate vote. Kravitz’s motion failed. This action might help the developer win in court on appeal. You be the judge.

Philip Sengle
