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01/25/2017 07:00 AM

Continue to Show Vigilance

The threat of the Shoreline Greenway Trail (SGT) intrusion into Guilford is not over. At the workshop of Guilford’s Board of Selectmen, Jim Portley suggested that tweaking the proposed segment into an eight-foot-wide concrete path (rather than a five-foot-wide sidewalk) would meet a standard for the “greenway” label, allowing the town to use greenway funding even as it releases the town from snow-removal responsibility.

We are now facing another go-round with the same objections: This will not serve bicycles; it would destroy landmark trees; it sets precedent for invoking state right-of-ways to run a path touching historic front doorsteps; and above all, it is a segment without a plan.

We must proceed apart from the SGT and its unethical meddling in our town. Let’s look at Guilford’s sidewalk plan again, and let’s look at town-wide bicycle safety with the help of an appropriate specialist.

I am impressed by our board and I trust it will continue to show vigilance regarding this private-interest SGT group, which has misleadingly implied that it has more approval from affected property owners than it actually has and in similar fashion has stated that Madison is preparing its own SGT trail to meet Guilford at the East River, which seemed to surprise Madison’s selectmen.

Our Guilford Board of Selectmen listened with outstanding patience to our voices of concern regarding the first SGT proposed segment and responded thoughtfully with their almost-unanimous vote to not approve that proposal. I now thank the selectmen with heartfelt gratitude and urge them to continue their wise governance by not considering this ill-conceived walkway.

Nona Bloomer
