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01/18/2017 07:00 AM

Value and Vibrancy

The Scranton Library is a historic, architectural gem in downtown Madison and, more important, a vibrant community center. However, the space is inadequate to meet the needs of the townspeople who use it or who want to use it. The interior is tired, outdated, and bursting at the seams. Parking is a problem. It is in desperate need of renovation and expansion.

People who say that libraries are outdated in the Internet age should park downtown and watch the steady stream of visitors to ours, join the library’s email list and notice the range of events that are held there weekly, or walk inside and feel the cultural and intellectual energy of a space that exists to help build an educated and literate community, where babies and preschoolers, teens, retired folks, and people of all ages in between take advantage of the offerings, including workshops utilizing technology. It’s a great place to meet, work collaboratively, hold an event, read or work in a quiet space, and borrow books, but the building hasn’t been updated in 28 years! Imagine an expanded and refreshed space that could better fulfill all those needs.

The proposed renovation/expansion plan is improved from the last one: It is more cost effective. The library board and leadership have done their due diligence. They have raised money through grants and fundraisers to help see it through and now they are asking the community to support the bond referendum to fund part of the cost.

I will add my vote to support this vital resource that brings so much value and vibrancy to our community. I hope your readers will make it a priority to vote “Yes” on Tuesday, Feb. 7, as well.

Marcy Beatty
