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01/11/2017 07:00 AM

Looks Like a Prison

I attended the Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) hearing on Jan. 4 on a CVS site plan application. It was well attended with 98 percent speaking against. I don’t envy their position. A summary of my remarks follow.

I am not opposed to a new CVS, but I never liked the location at the corner of routes 1 and 81. This location often has horrendous traffic, is too close to what should be a New England downtown, and I see the CVS development as a threat to the redevelopment of our train station as it might wall it off from the center. The new station is critical to any resurgence around Clinton Center. The location of CVS has not been studied in this regard. PZC must not allow any development at this site to restrict train rider access to downtown or to deter commuter use of rail.

The worst of this is that the current design submitted by the developer is an abomination from an architectural and aesthetic point of view. It looks like a prison and is worse than our Auto Zone. I don’t know if the developer is trying to blackmail the town or punish us, or both.

The commission’s attorney advised PZC that it should approve this application as it conforms to current regulations and a negative decision would likely be reversed on appeal. I suggested PZC deny the application, going to court if necessary, while trying to negotiate a better deal.

I made two further points to the commission: Its decisions are forever; think carefully and don’t settle for less, and second, don’t risk your reputations. If they have personal or business relationships with anyone who stands to benefit from this development, they must recuse themselves.

A decision could be made at their next meeting on Jan. 9.

Phil Sengle
