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10/26/2016 08:00 AM

Irresponsible Bad Habit

On Wednesday, Nov. 2 at 6 p.m., Clinton will convene a Town Meeting in the Green Room at Town Hall. Predictably few people will show up to vote one way or the other. One of the resolutions that voters present will be asked to approve is to “appropriate $232,594 from undesignated for engineering fees on the Pleasant Valley Road Bridge included in the State Bridge Program.”

However, in May last year Clinton passed a bonding resolution for $4.2 million for among other things the “planning, design, construction, reconstruction, repair, and resurfacing of various…bridges…”

Voters who thought bridges were covered by the $4.2 million were misled and now are expected to vote in favor of allocating even more funds.

The continuing pattern of mid-year transfers of funds from a bloated and very tempting undesignated fund is a fiscally irresponsible bad habit that a change in first selectman and Republican dominance of the Board of Selectman has not cured.

Wednesday, Nov. 2 will be taxpayers’ only opportunity to say “ouch” to this proposal. Who will take the time to speak up?

Kirk Carr
