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09/28/2016 08:00 AM

Permissive Political Privilege

Substantial political clout renders Neri Corporation largely immune to zoning regulations. The zoning enforcement officer (ZEO) Eric Knapp does his job by citing violations and then assists in resolving violations through the zoning appeals or regulations amendment process instead of compliance.

Kimberly Neri Simoncini serves as the agent for these zoning applications. A member of the Republican Town Committee’s search subcommittee, she holds considerable clout over the political future of Republican candidates. When her application to relax contractor storage yard regulations was denied by the Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) in a 6 to 1 vote in July, it was time to flex political muscle.

The Republican PZC Chairman Gary Bousquet assigned the Republican Vice Chairman Michael Knudsen to meet with Simoncini and Land Use staff. An almost identical zoning amendment was then forwarded to the regulations committee. With only two Republicans present at the regulations committee meeting, the unchanged amendment was added to the Aug. 8 PZC agenda.

Again, most of the same people tearfully spoke in opposition at the public hearing on Aug. 29. Only Simoncini and former first selectman Willie Fritz spoke in favor.

Did Republicans anticipate political fallout if they voted “No” again? Partisan votes changed to callously approve the amendment 5 (Republicans) to 4 (Democrats).

At the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting on Sept. 21, Knapp caved to Simoncini’s appeal of his order to cease a contractor’s storage yard at 314 East Main. The defective appeal failed to cite grounds; neighbors provided overwhelming evidence that the intensified use did not qualify as pre-existing non-conforming; and no application for a special exception permit was ever submitted. Permissive political privilege prevailed!

The system is rigged when politically powerful private interest over-rules public interest. Only Clinton’s political committee leaders can disarm self-interested bullies who tarnish their party’s brand-image.

Kirk Carr
