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09/21/2016 08:00 AM

Bipartisan and Forward-Thinking

Guilford continues to have the extraordinary good fortune to have an intelligent, dedicated representative to our State Legislature. Sean Scanlon (D-98) brings a commitment to listening to and deepening his understanding of his constituents’ concerns. He gets facts, talks with knowledgeable people, and does the research and homework it takes to form a well-reasoned position on legislation. His approach is bipartisan and forward-thinking for both our town and the state.

If you speak with him, you get a thoughtful hearing, and a response—whether he agrees with you, or explains why he has a different perspective—or he shares that he is still considering the issue. Sean Scanlon’s vision includes an appreciation of history, current needs, and a better future for our next generations—for children, and students, and young parents.

His legislation to address heroin/opioid addiction is an impressive example of his work. He heard our citizens, gathered data, met with those directly affected, and consulted with the professionals whose expertise and perspective were critical to drafting meaningful and realistic legislation. He then worked in a bipartisan way to pass the law that made Connecticut a national leader in its approach to the problem, and then he worked with Guilford’s Police Department on a practical local step to sponsor drug take-back days to support proper disposal of unused or expired prescriptions.

Listening, learning, planning, collaborating, and supporting implementation—that’s how he works for the wellbeing of those he represents. Sean’s earned our November votes for him to continue as Guilford’s representative in Hartford!

Lois Smith
