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03/30/2016 08:00 AM

Making the Difference

The Killingworth Republican Town Committee would like to remind Killingworth residents that Connecticut will hold its presidential primary on Tuesday, April 26. Your readers’ votes are more important than they may know.

In Clinton last year, First Selectman Bruce Farmer won the election by a single vote. Somewhere, someone who might have had doubts on how effective him or her vote was decided to vote anyway, and that vote made all the difference there. You’ll never know when a person making the difference might be you.

Connecticut has a closed primary system, meaning you can only vote for the candidates in the party you’re registered in. This means you may vote for Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, or any other Republican candidate only as long as you are a registered Republican. This also means if you haven’t declared yourself as either a Republican or Democratic voter, you cannot vote for any Republican or Democratic candidate.

Unaffiliated voters interested in voting in the presidential primary may contact either the town clerk or the registrar of voters before noon on Monday, April 25. A simple call to the good people at Town Hall will send them in the right direction.

For convenience, we list the definitions of many common political terms on our web site. We invite those who are unsure about what a caucus is for, or what the difference is between a town meeting and a referendum, to visit our website and click the “Voter Info” tab and to contact us if they have any other questions.

We hope to see everyone at the primary. After all, the right to vote is our way of telling our elected officials what kind of future we want our children to have.

Dave Adametz


Dave Adametz chairs the Killingworth Republican Town Committee.