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07/29/2015 08:00 AM

To Make Even More of a Difference

Last week, I was glad to accept the nomination of the Killingworth Democratic Town Committee for another term as first selectman. I am glad because I love working with all the people who do so much for our town. These extraordinary men and women—and children—inspired me to get involved in town governance.

I’m glad because, in my time in office, I have gained the experience to make even more of a difference to our town. This means more administrative efficiency and more effective collaboration with regional and state agencies.

I’m glad because I’ll be running with a great slate of candidates this fall. Your readers will be hearing more about them in the coming weeks.

And I’m glad because I look forward to taking on some of the important challenges facing the town, from strengthening our commercial base to accommodating the needs of an aging population.

We’ve accomplished a lot over the last few years. For example: We opened the Killingworth Recreational Park and the newly refurbished Sheldon Park; Parmelee Farm has become a wonderful community center; and a new Emergency Operations Center should be completed by the end of the summer. We’ve brought in such programs as a weekly senior lunch and a prescription drug discount card. We’ve averted some costly changes in state mandates and improved state support for regional services. We’ve been improving communications, instituting long-range budget procedures and plans, and streamlining the town government.

I do not claim to have done any of this by myself. As I have said elsewhere, I am the drum major; the volunteers, elected officials, Town Hall staff, and involved citizens make the beautiful music. I hope your readers will support me as I continue to support them in making Killingworth a great place to live.

First Selectman Cathy Iino
