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07/22/2015 08:00 AM

The Best Reward

On June 23, we held a fundraiser at Il Monticello in Meriden for Camp Liberty, located in the Channel 3 Kids Camp in Andover. It was a great success! Our family, friends, and acquaintances contributed a good deal of hard work to make it successful. Our inspiration was our daughter, Marissa. She was born with an extremely debilitating skin disease. For all of her 33 years she suffered, but in all those years, she never complained. She was able to get through each day with a smile.

In her younger years it was hard to find outlets for her such as camps and town recreation programs. Today, however, there are camps for kids with dermatological issues. Camp Liberty is one of them. To watch kids having fun and laughing and thoroughly enjoying camp life is the most rewarding experience one can have.

This is why Camp Liberty is close to our hearts. We know all of your readers feel the same way by the support and encouragement they showed to make the fundraiser what it turned out to be—a wonderful endeavor. One we hope to continue each year.

We thank each and every one who supported Camp Liberty with all our hearts. Each dollar we make helps to put smiles on our kids’ faces. That is the best reward.

Jon and Regina Najarian

Event Coordinators

North Haven