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02/17/2015 11:00 PM

Where Is Wisdom Today?

I have lived in North Haven all my life. I graduated in 1956. The classes of 1955 and 1956 had the responsibility and privilege of choosing our school colors and the name of our yearbook and mascot. Never was there a hint of disrespect, or, especially offense directed toward those who inhibited our land before us. Instead, these choices were to honor and remember such names as Algonquin, Pequot, Quinnipiac, Montowese, and Sachem-is naming a street, area, university, or yearbook equivalent to disrespect or offense? I know when our classes made these choices, it was with respect and honor. Look at the emblem of our mascot-you see bravery and strength depicted there, no disrespect,

To accuse our classes and the town of North Haven of these silly accusations shows disrespect to all of us who took serious the choices we made (almost 60 years ago) and to the town to have agreed and upheld them all these years.

How silly we've become. Where is wisdom today? I hope [mascot renaming petition organizer] Talia Gallagher and her friends will find a cause that actually helps and benefits others, and not offend those who gave careful consideration to show honor in remembering those who were here before us.

Irma Hanson CannavaroNorth Haven