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10/22/2012 12:00 AM

Outstanding and Effective

During election season many people submit letters to the editor supporting their candidate, but the truth of the candidate's performance must be judged by his or her involvement, actions, and accomplishments for all citizens over time, not just weeks prior to the election.

I am voicing my support for our outstanding and effective state representative from the 102nd District-Lonnie Reed. If you have not noticed Representative Reed's signage has in large letters "LONNIE." The reason, in my opinion, is that she is so well-known and respected for her daily efforts in making Branford's quality of life her primary goal. Lonnie's efforts in improving our environment, infrastructures, traffic, taxes, education, public safety, seniors, youth, and veterans support while assuring that each dollar appropriated is effectively spent is the cornerstone of who Lonnie is and how Lonnie legislates.

Everyone knows her as Lonnie because she is on a first-name basis with all her constituents. Democrats, Republicans, and Independents all know her and respect her efforts because she works across all lines of interests, cultures, and diversities. She is truly a legislator for our times. I encourage your readers to support Lonnie on Election Day.

Stan Konesky, Jr.Branford