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11/06/2011 11:00 PM

Shake Things Up

Is it me, or is the Board of Education (BOE) behind the times? The principals use Connect-ED for reminders from no school to hat day; the superintendent's office sends them for fundraisers. Why not the BOE?

I was very disappointed that the Oct. 5 meeting was changed from 7 to 6 p.m. This was a good way to keep the public from attending. Times have changed and with technology and tax dollars spent to keep up, we should be updated of meeting changes or other important information on the Internet or Connect-ED. Posting notices at the schools and Town Hall are a thing of the past! This may have worked years ago, when only one parent worked and one had time to go to school on a regular basis. Now, with both parents working in most families and the price of gas, who has time to be driving around to schools and Town Hall looking at postings?

When the BOE gives the public opportunity to make comments, these comments should not be held against us. I was shocked at the poor attitude of Chairwoman Marcey Onofrio when I talked to her about the time change. In the past, she had notified me of changes. She stated that since I had asked for resignations of BOE members at a meeting (in my opinion they are not doing their job) she didn't feel obligated to let me know about the change.

Bottom line, we need new leadership on the BOE. Let's hope the three new members can shake things up enough to make a difference!

Theresa Frandsen
